Improving efficiencies and performance in your business is essential if 2019 is going to be your best year yet.
and if you are looking for
· improved motivation
· increased morale
· confidence boosts
· greater sense of worth and value
· greater trust and rapport
and improved performance and productivity,
here are three questions to ask yourself:
1. What's going exactly as I want it to in the business?
2. What do I want to improve?
3. What have I tried so far?
Many advisers or management consultants will take you through the systems you need, the cost cutting your business requires, the legal, compliance and the accounting requirements; all of these are important.
How much have you considered that your assets include
i) you as a business owner and
ii) your employees
Without these functioning at their optimum, the business is not thriving. This takes some deeper work.
It is necessary to humbly ask yourself what level you are functioning at and at what level your employees or business partners are operating at.
Identifying this takes some serious commitment and honesty but left ignored, I guarantee that you are not giving your business the opportunity to excel at the level that it could.
As human beings, we have emotions, beliefs, thought patterns, unconscious biases, good and bad habits.
Many leaders, managers and staff feel unable to express anything but a strong exterior in the workplace but this is not healthy or productive.
Greater enquiry and awareness around this and the impact can tell you plenty about why people are motivated, confident, driven, efficient, hard-working, productive, focused and so on. Naturally, the awareness can also identify why people are unmotivated, undisciplined, bored, lazy, frustrated, unproductive, under-performing, regularly absent, stressed, overwhelmed or unwell and so on. This supports you and your workforce in a myriad of ways.
As business owners or leaders, we naturally have our ball on the operations and turnover potential. It’s stressful at the top, affecting clarity, choices, time, family relationships and decisions; and this can filter down.
It’s essential to be in awareness of the above in order to identify more successful behaviours to support your business to thrive. This then can more quickly facilitate LONG TERM:
· improved motivation
· increased morale
· confidence boosts
· greater sense of worth and value
· greater trust and rapport
and of course
· improved efficiency and time management
· greater productivity
If you’d like more of this, and more time to focus on what matters to you, get in touch today for your free 60 minute consultation. You can contact or on 07961 111255.
© Anita Gohil-Thorp