Coaching|Training|Mentoring|Wellbeing|Bespoke Programme Design
Life MOT The Kick Starter Drive 10x 1:1
You deserve to experience what it is to Be The Best You, starting now.10 Sessions Book NOW
Service Description
Do you experience stress or overwhelm? Perhaps it affects sleep or other areas of life. Do you want it to take over or to find your path to living the best possible life you can? Has a change to your life left you wondering what to do next? Do you know what you want but cannot clearly see the way? Would you like to feel more excited about who you are and your life? Do you sense something or someone is holding you back? Do you want to progress to a great life of confidence and motivation that opens up new doors? This is where coaching plays a huge part. I help you to accelerate towards your life goals and dreams, whether it is to build confidence within yourself to do more of what you'll love or to strengthen a meaningful area of your life. Clients come to me because they understand that their life is worth it. They get that its empowering and responsible to access a professional who shares in their vision of a wonderful, active, healthy, mind blowing life. Your mission is my mission - every client gets my full attention - you are not sent off to one of many coaches I know. You get me - my experience, my expertise, my credibility as an International Coach Federation Coach and more. The Kickstarter is a 4-5 month coaching programme with 4 weekly sessions 4 fortnightly sessions 1 session after a further 3 weeks Free Review after 2 months. That's 10 sessions in total. What else? You'll also get appropriate exercises tailored to your needs to support development reasonable contact with me between sessions over the phone or text; a monthly newsletter; special rates for any further programmes such as Mind Blown: Mindfulness (A 4 week Beginners Course) currently at £249 and £125 when booked as a second or later programme; and refer a friend who becomes a programme client and receive a complimentary £40 referral gift. Why? I build my reputation and business by word of mouth avoiding expensive marketing campaigns. This allows me to keep my fees at an accessible rate for all those passionate and committed to Be The Best You. What's the investment? 10 x 60 minute life changing sessions £1500. Mention Code AGT52019 for your 33% discount and pay just £1000. Are you ready? Contact me at or call 07961 111 255 today with any queries - let's get this right for you. I want you to know me, let's make sure you're comfortable and that my service is right for you. If not, no worries. I may even be able to guide you to what will be.